lördag 9 mars 2013

Renegade release

Hi everyone!

There is no limit for how excited I am!
The last 2 weeks have been completely insane trying to get all the last pieces of the puzzle together for the deadline of the album.
Right before the last days of working I got a new song sent to me that we decided to put on the album. I ended up singing the last vocals one day before the final mastering. Talk about playing with the deadline.

I could never have imagined how much work it is with the graphic design for an album, not let alone going through ever second of your songs until your half deaf.
At least 5 times I gave the thumbs up and confirmed, just to find another mistake right after or find something in the song that still needed adjustment.

Releasing an album has been one of my goals ever since I started with music and after working on it for so long It feels crazy to finally have the final result.
I hope I will come to experience this feeling many more times.
Now that there's no more work left it's time to roll up the sleeves for the actual release.
The gig will be the 2.5 in Tavastia in Helsinki. I really hope to see you there!

Rock on!
-Jessica Wolff