onsdag 7 mars 2012

Music, snowmen and Kung Fu

Eric Gast rocking the buttons

Hi everyone,

Just had a small break after being on the road for almost one and a half months. After working for 20 days in the studio in Stockholm I went back to Helsinki with Eric to work on a couple of songs with Johnny Lee Michaels. The big difference between Sweden and Finland is that in Sweden they drink milk and coffee and in Finland the studio sessions tends to end with a party. Both works well!
 Eric also came to a couple of band trainings to coach the band. It's great to have him around. He is guiding me in so many ways. Not only my singing but also lyrics, stage performance, how to approach the music business and many other things. I wonder what my road would look like if I hadn't decided to go to New York to see him in person. I would probably be struggling a lot more.
After a few days in Helsinki Eric went back to the studio in Stockholm to continue working on the tracks with the other guys.
My attempt to rest went down the drain when I realized how much business stuff that had piled up on my desk. To balance it out I took some time to build a huge snowman, go and see a couple of movies and train some Kung Fu.
Now I'm back in Stockholm for a couple of days. We're recording the drums in Benny Anderssons (ABBA) studio. Tomorrow I'm gonna do some vocals before going back to Helsinki.
I have a gig coming up the 17th of March. Finally! It feels like ages since the last gig and have been starting to feel a bit restless. It's a good change from the life in the studio.

Rock on!


Benny Anderssons studio