onsdag 23 februari 2011


Hi everyone,

A lot of people have asked me if the stories in my songs are something I've gone through myself. The answer is both yes and no.
When I write a song it can all start from either a feeling, line, part of a melody or even just from a single word. If I have a clear idea or experience I feel like writing about, it sometimes happens that the song starts to "live it's own life" and head a different direction. In that case it's easy to get stuck if I try to hold on to the original idea and I often have to "kill my darlings".
That's why I can't say that everything I write about is directly taken from my own experiences, but the feelings and thoughts always represent something I've been through or felt myself.
I remember when I was offered a song about a bunch of girls going to a shopping mall and not letting the boyfriends join because they wouldn't understand girl talk. Well, if it wasn't for the fact that I hate shopping and most of my friends are guys, it would have been a great song to work with.

