onsdag 30 mars 2011

Gig tomorrow at 22:00 in Le Bonk

Hi everyone, I finally found some time to sit down and write a bit. I had couple of band rehearsals this week, some meetings for the up coming music video and couple of Kung Fu trainings . My legs remind me of jelly fish but other than that I'm good. Tomorrow I have a gig at Le Bonk and after that everything will circle around the music video that we will shoot in about a week. It's a lot going on right now and there's not much room for resting, but it's all good. After the music video filming I'm taking a couple of weeks off after three months of hard work. Every now and then I just have to pack my bags and disappear for a while, otherwise the little adventure child in me starts to make a hell of a noise. This time I'm off to the Dominican Republic for some kitesurfing action. Cheers, Jessica