onsdag 26 september 2012

Brain cell damaging activity

Cold to the bone after spending some wonderful time in the water at the photo shoot

Hi there,

I think I must have lost half of my brain cells, spending 4 hours on the train, staring at myself on the laptop screen trying to pick out 10 out of 2245 promo pictures for the album. Maybe not the best way to get that energy boost before a gig. 

The internet connection was really bad and it took ages for the pictures to show.  However, with a good mood, patience and a lot of coffee I managed to go through about 700 pictures.

 The deadline for the up coming single and music video (Broken Wings), is coming up very quickly and there is a lot to do. It feels exciting, stressful, awesome and a tiny bit scary.

I have about two weeks time to master the single, pick out one picture for the single cover, find a grafic designer, register the song, get the needed codes and texts for the layout and finally send them to printing.

When it comes to the music video the story hit me as I was recording the song.  After a bunch of meetings later with the director we had the script in our hands. The song is about the pressure of the society and it's effect on people. It's something I wanted to write about for a long time and it has woken up a lot of thoughts and feelings on the way.

It's always exciting following the journey from the beginning of an idea to the final result. It also gives you a better chance to express yourself on a deeper level.
 That's also the little scary part, to take something so personal and expose it in public. I guess it would be like standing naked on the stage. It doesn't get more honest than that. People like or they don't, but usually they react.

Rock on!


tisdag 11 september 2012

Rocking on an lung infection

HI there,

A lung infection is one of the last thing you want before a gig, especially if you have two in the same day. After being sick for 2 weeks I was still hopeful of getting well before my shows last weekend.
But the same morning I my throat was still dry, my nose was stuffed and I couldn't stop coughing.
After freaking out about it for a bit I pulled my up and decided I'm not going to let that ruin my day. There's not much to do about the situation but getting nervous and worry defenitely won't make it better.

 I decided to do the best out of the situation, stay relaxed and only focus on the message I want to deliver. Before I've also been focusing on moving around, the sound of my voice, the instruments etc. Completely ignoring those thoughts made me feel more free than ever.
My voice broke every ones in a while but luckily people didn't seem to notice.

In the end I had a lot of fun and it felt so great being up on the stage. It turned out to be a very valuable experience for me and it was another proof for me how much of the performance is based on mind power.

Rock on!
