onsdag 30 maj 2012

Finland Fest in Tokyo

Tokyo 24.5 - 29.5

Day 1

Finally in Japan! It's been a lot of Traveling the last week. I came home to Helsinki in the middle of the night a couple of days ago. Next day I had a band practice, a meeting and then off to Japan.
I was running around like speedy Gonzales trying to get everything packed, send the single to printing, feeding my boa snake etc. I probably forgot half of my stuff at home.
Now I'm on the bus on my way to the hotel together with my producer, some Heavy Metal dudes and some people from Music Export Finland.
I'm glad the event doesn't start until tomorrow. Otherwise the Japanese record labels would probably mistake me for a sleep walking zombie rather than a rock/pop artist.

My window view

Day 2
Fighting the jet lag

One heavy jet lag! Rise and shine. I'm so glad I bought a pair of big sunglasses a few weeks ago.
I woke up 3 am feeling weird, sick and tired but not able to sleep. After rolling around in the bed for four hours I called Eric who was awake too and we went out for a very early breakfast.
We found a bar that was closing at 8 am in the morning and there I had the strangest breakfast of my life. A clam soup with ham in it.
A few coffees later and to my big surprise I fell asleep like a baby when I got back to the hotel room.
I woke up a couple of hours before the Reception party organized by Musex.
A couple of wonderful Japanese girls I met
at the after party.
I met a lot of interesting people within the music industry, not only from Japan but also from Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland.
 Even though my body was longing for some more sleep we went to see some gigs followed by the Houko Music Night after party. The parties are usually what connects people the best.
We had a very interesting taxi experience on the way back. The taxi driver kept on babbling to me in Japanese. First I tried to explain that I didn't understand but after he kept on talking I just replied with "hai" which just made him babble even more.
I heard many Japanese use the word Hai and I think it means something like ok or yes.
Eric filmed the whole thing so I'll post it later.

One fancy bathroom.

Day 3
Sprayed in the face

A jet lag + after party is not the best combination if you wanna feel like a piece of sunshine next morning. I certainly didn't. I guess one reason is because I woke up around 3am. I rolled around in the bed for a couple of hours and when I was finally falling asleep again the toilet suddenly started to make a very loud wheezing noise.
Half asleep I got up to try to do something about it. Next to the toilet seat were a lot of random buttons (in Japanese). I took a shot and pressed one of them, which certainly didn't help.
 What happens is that a plastic stick comes out of the toilet and sprays water right in my face. Good morning Jessica!! I feeling like an idiot but the whole situation was so random I couldn't do anything but laugh. It reminded me of Mr. Bean.
I thought I was done with the whole getting sprayed in the face thing, but believe it or not an hour later the same kind of thing happened but in public.
I went to have breakfast with Eric and with the meal they served me mayonnaise in two small weird plastic boxes attached to each other.
There was an image showing "break it in half". So I did, but the wrong way around so instead of getting it on my meal I got a wonderful mayonnaise mustache. I should have gotten paid for entertaining the restaurant guests. Not only was I the only blonde person but I was also wearing my Onepiece.
They probably thought I was from a different planet. Another good morning laugh.

Other than these two random situations the day went pretty smoothly. I went to see a beautiful Japanese garden in Tokyo before going to the "Metal Attack" show later in the evening. It was a four hour dose of Heavy Metal by both Finnish and Japanese bands. The audience went crazy!
After the show I went to a sushi restaurant with a guy from King Records. It was a great meeting and the sushi was probably the best I ever had. Tomorrow we're meeting again at an music business event.
For some reason some people call Eric
"egg". I'm not sure where the inside joke comes from
but he also has a blog with that name
Long story short, he felt very at home when he found
these eggman signs.
A beautiful park in Tokyo

The audience went crazy

It wouldn't take it's eye off me

Day 4
 Meet the Labels

I met a lot of very interesting people today. I had random meetings for 6 hours. It was quite intense. I came to this place where they have tables for each company and the whole day through people from different labels came to visit and if they were interested they would come to your table for a meeting.
I met a lot of distributors, promoters, labels etc. Looking good!
It also turned out that Chip, the base player from Enuff Znuff who is a good friend with my Eric had suggested that we contact his friend Ryo at King Records. Eric thought it would be good to talk with the guy I met at Midem first since he is also working for King Records and we were meeting up with him anyways. It turned out that it was the same person, I just didn't know his nickname was Ryo. What a small world.
We had a good laugh about it called Chip during our meeting. Except for us waking him up he was very happy to talk with his old friends.
After the meetings we went to an amazing restaurant with Eric friend who happened to be in Tokyo. He has been working as a camera man for Eric when they were filming a documentary about how music can help people get through rough times. For instance they went into the war zone in Burma and lived with the soldiers in the jungle and interviewed them and recorded some of their music.
There were some other people joining us at the restaurant as well and I met a very successful artist from Korea. We exchanged our music and talked about working together in the future.
I got back after 1 am in the morning and had the option to go to sleep or have a beer with the guys from the band called "Swallow the Sun". I chose to go for a beer.

I had a really good time and the guys were great. We got back to the hotel around 3 am and I realized it's no point to go to sleep since I would have to wake up 3 hours later to catch the flight. I took an ice cold shower and drank a lot of coffee and water in order to stay awake.
The weirdest thing is that at some point between 2-4 am there was an earthquake (5,2 on the richter scale) and I didn't notice a thing. I still don't know how it's possible, according to people the whole building was shaking.

After a long trip I finally got back to Finland. That night I slept like a baby.

It looks so much cooler in Japanese

Having some Sake with some guys from "Swallow the Sun"
The bar tender put this weird pearl hat on my head.
Went to a seminar and learn a lot about
the Japanese music market.

söndag 20 maj 2012

Living in the studio

Hi there!
I had an absolutely wonderful trip in Nice. It was very needed for re-charging my batteries. I went there together with three of my girl friends I've known since I was a kid. I also realized it was the first time since I was studying theatre three years ago, that I spent so much time together with a bunch of girls.
Most of my friends and people I work with are men, but the few girl friends I have are really close. Part from the shopping I had a great time.
When I got back I had a lot of work to do. My laptop mouse stopped working while I was in Nice so there was a bunch of stuff I couldn't get done. I could really feel reality biting when I came home.
 I had 24 hours to get everything set before picking up my producer from the airport the day after I got back. Back to business!
We started with a meeting the morning after he arrived and to my big surprise he gave me FM OnePiece. (FM is the charity he created).

Me and Eric Gast going to band practice

Within a minute after I took a picture of it at band practice, Thomas Adams (the guy who came up with the OnePiece concept) contacted Eric and told him he was in Helsinki for a day.
What a weird coincidence.
 Every time Eric has been around we've always randomly met the OnePiece guy. The first time at the launch party in Helsinki. The second time at party in Stockholm and now in Helsinki again.
After the band practice still wearing my Onepiece we went to say hi to Thomas late in the evening and didn't get to bed until late in the night.

My new FM OnePiece.

  We had a very early flight to the studio in Stockholm. I had only slept 2 hours but didn't mind since I wasn't supposed to do any vocals. We just had to go through the last adjustments for the up-coming single before mastering it.

Early breakfast at the airport

Straight from the airport I went to see my singing coach before joining the rest in the studio. I got very surprised when they told me that I should re-sing the chorus for another song I thought I was already done with.
When I go to the studio to do vocals I prefer to be prepared, warm up, sleep well, having my mind set etc. My body and voice were completely shut for the traveling and lack of sleep, but shit happens. 

I had to try at least, which turned out to be a good decision. After many takes I managed to find the energy and feeling I needed to nail the chorus.

Outside of the studio with my producers and an awesome
background vocalist.

Eric Gast & Patric Jonsson


The next day we got few hours before taking the train to Malmö 4 hours away from Stockholm. Some of my old songs were recorded more than two years ago and in the need of an update in order to fit in with the rest of the songs on the album.

Johan Bejerholm in Worldstudios

 It was really nice coming back to World Studios and see my old producer Johan Bejerholm. He is one funny guy that always makes me laugh.

I thought re-sining some vocals for the old songs would be an easy task since I sang them hundreds of times. It actually turned out to be the opposite.

 Being brainwashed and deaf to your own songs it's hard to find a new spark and feeling in it.

When I'm performing with it's different though, then I can always get the emotions and energy from the audience and the adrenaline kick of being on the stage.

However, nothing is impossible. There's always a way even how stuck you feel with a song. It's just a matter of being stubborn and find the right way to approach it. Sometimes I need to move around a lot, do some boxing, try to go into a character or just have a very clear picture of what and who I'm singing it to.

The chorus that I had to re-sing in Stockholm is a good example. I felt stuck because I didn't have the energy but than I imagine that someone had just stabbed me with a knife and going into that feeling gave me the right vibe for the song. It might sound weird but these kind of "acting tools" effect both the voice and emotions a lot.  If one image doesn't work I just move on to the next one until I find the what feels right. At least it works for me.

Rock on!

Jessica Wolff

fredag 4 maj 2012

Creative artist & busy business woman

Hi there,
Let me introduce my "new boyfriend" on the picture above. I brought it home a couple of days ago and I think I'm in love. I realize that riding a motorbike is something that makes me feel completely satisfied and happy. It's a strange combination between relaxation and adrenaline, where it's only me the road and my thoughts. The most random things tend to pop up in my head when I drive almost like meditation. It's also great singing when driving. You don't annoy the neighbors and you can hear your voice really well with the helmet, almost like being in the studio.

Honda CB1000R
Besides letting the child in me loose on the bike I've been working like a "red-bull ant" the last few weeks switching roles between the busy business woman and the creative artist.
 It's not always a piece of cake to combine the two of them.
 Sometimes what would be good for the business is not what's in your heart but at the same time you need money to make music in order to follow your heart. Confusing, right?
 I realized the best way for me is to keep an open minded approach and extend my boundaries but be careful not to cross any limits or do things I can't stand behind. It's not always a dance on roses but than again challenges is what makes you grow, and definitely worth it.

As I mentioned in my last text  have a single release coming up in June and there's a lot to be done. The song still needs to be mixed and mastered and the cover need to be done.
 Last week my consultant pointed out that in order to get it done in time I would have to do the photo shoot before the end of this week. After my heart almost dropped down to my stomach because of the sudden time pressure I gathered my thoughts and started to make some phone calls.
Organizing a photo shoot usually takes a lot of time and planning ahead unless you just want to take a random picture and happen to have a friend who can quickly make the graphic design. Well that wasn't my case.
Last week I spent a lot of time trying to figure out my option of photographers, make-up artists, the style, concept etc.
 After spending three days on the phone I finally got a good team gathered for a meeting yesterday (one day before the photo session) to go through the concept ideas I sent them two days earlier.
I was really lucky with how the schedules connected and got Ville Juurikkala to take the photos. He is an absolutely amazing photographer.
So today I've been running around like Speedy Gonzales, starting the morning with a great meeting with my booking agents, promoters etc, going to Kung-Fu, getting the hair done, picking up the outfit and rest of the stuff i needed, then make-up, and finally going to the studio.

It was really easy to work with Ville and I think the result is going to be just what I'm looking for. The stylist Jenni Ahtiainen and make-up artist Tea Turunen were also there and did a great job. Everyone seemed to be on the same page with the concept.
What a great day. Now it's time to relax. I just finished packing my bags and tomorrow I'm off for a weeks vacation to re-load my batteries before my producer Eric Gast comes to Finland to work with me.
I'm more or less gonna live in different studios between the 14.5-8.6th. I realized that I haven't marked a single day for relaxation in that period of time, so that loaded battery is gonna be needed.
Here are some pics for you guys!

Rock on!


Straight from Kung-Fu to
Cime Beauty House 
The make-up is done, ready to go

A little piece from the photo shoot